Looking for an open concept living room, kitchen. For more information click on photo or call Michael Leclerc (204)792-6453.
Short Term Rental (STR) Accommodations
Housing attracts some of the most agile and intelligent entrepreneurs in our community. The Short-Term Rental market is an interesting amalgamation of the internet and housing entrepreneurial community over the last decade. The government is now becoming more involved.
The City of Winnipeg is taking steps to regulate the Short-Term Rental market. Short Term Rentals are, primarily, internet-based housing units which are private homes, but rented by people on a short term, much like they would a hotel, (Airbnb etc.). The process is now almost complete and the City of Winnipeg has passed a report at council and directed its administration to draft a by-law within 6 months containing the following rule components for these short-term rentals: Any rental under 30 days is considered short term, the 5% civic accommodation tax will apply, all units must be licensed as a STR by the city, any individual(s) can rent out their primary residence as an STR, if they already own them as an individual or if owned by a Winnipeg based corporation, you can rent out 3 non-primary residence properties, but only in certain parts of the city, but you cannot transfer them ever to anyone else, once you do, the grandfathering is lost. If you are renting out your house, there is no limit on amount of days you can rent out if you are in the house, but only for 150 nights per year if you are not. Only 2 adults per bedroom (no limit on kids), it appears owners may be subject to a criminal record review, it also appears that internet platforms that collect monies for people online who rent out their place, must also be registered. There are other parts that are also contained in the report but those are the main ones. Seemed like council was a bit divided on the issue with parts of the community wanting to level the taxation levels with existing hotels and others liking the idea of less regulation and more available units. Will be interesting to see how our clients adapt.
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